Sources of solid waste management pdf

Governments face increasing costs for disposal, while public health and the environment suffer from the damaging effects of untreated solid waste. In the waste management process, the wastes are collected from the different sources and are disposed of. Throughout the region, the principal sources of solid waste are residential households and the agricultural, commercial, construction, industrial and institutional sectors. Garbage dumps and decomposed waste helps many harmful species to breed in them. As long as liumans have been living in settled communities, solid waste, or garbage, has been an issue, and modern societies generate far more solid waste than early humans ever did.

It is estimated that the amount of solid waste per capita is around 500 kilograms per year. Solid waste management issue is the biggest challenge to the authorities of both small and large cities in developing countries. Liquid waste was defined in study session 1 as any waste in liquid form. Waste items include concrete debris, wood, earth, huge package boxes and plastics from the building materials and the like. Solid waste management notes pdf swm notes pdf book starts with the topics waste collection, from low and mediumrise apartments, landfill technique, types of landfill, landfills for commingled msw. Chapter 7 solid waste management water engineering. A breakdown of solid waste types and sources is provided in.

Waste management the aim of sustainable waste management is to reduce waste formation and to use resources more efficiently and rationally, ensuring that the waste of one sector is used as a raw material in another sector. If these quantities are added, the solid waste production rate reaches 45 kg per capita per day 100 lb. It exposes the scavengers to a number of diseases e. To introduce the reader to the solid waste management field, an overview of municipal solid waste problems, sources, collection, resource recovery, and disposal methods are presented in this paper. The conventional landfill, incineration, composting, and ways of handeling solid wastes are common as mature technologies for waste disposal. Science and engineering presents the latest on the rapid increase in volume and types of solid and hazardous wastes that have resulted from economic growth, urbanization, and industrialization and how they have challenged national and local governments to ensure effective and sustainable management of these waste products. Environmental and health impact of solid waste disposal in.

Planning for municipal solid waste management programs. Now that you are conscious of the different sources and types of waste, your solid waste management plan can finally come alive. Solid waste management is the process of collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste in a systematic, economic and hygienic manner. Due to population upsurge and urbanization, solid waste management is now one of the chief issues to deal with as it affects quality of life. Reactor concepts manual radioactive waste management usnrc technical training center 101 0703 radioactive waste management this section will discuss the sources, handling, and u ltimate disposal of radioactive wastes sometimes referred to as radwaste generated by nuclear power plant operation. This is mainly due to the increasing generation of such solid waste and the burden posed on the municipal budget. The illegal burning of solid waste causes air pollution and health problems. Sources of solid wastes in a community are, in general, related to land use and zoning. As the world hurtles toward its urban future, the amount of municipal solid waste msw, one. Kampot solid waste management baseline survey kampot phnom penh 1 introduction current solid waste management systems in asia are strained, and landfill space is fast becoming a rare commodity. Solid waste management refers to the collecting, treating, and disposing of solid material that is discarded or is no longer useful. Waste definitions can determine whether a material is a waste or a product or resource, and that determination can have significant regulatory, environmental and financial impacts for the whole waste management system, including waste generators, processors, transporters and disposal operators. Various methods are practiced to control solid waste pollution as composting, recycling, incineration, pyrolysis, disposal, landfills etc. Solid radioactive wastes usnrc technical training center 51 rev.

Solid wastes may be defined as useless, unused, unwanted, or discarded material available in solid form. It is used to dispose of solid, liquid and gaseous waste. The contaminants with the solid waste and leachate from solid waste, pollute water bodies. Domestic areas appropriate solid waste management strategies may vary for. The increasing volume and complexity of waste associated with the modern economy is posing a serious risk to ecosystems and human health. Efficient solid waste management is critical for the health and wellbeing of urban populations 2 solid waste management consists in the control of the generation, collection, storage, transfer. This process includes transportation, analysis, legal procedures, along with monitoring and enforcing regulations. It is one of the most poorly rendered services by municipal authorities in developing countries as the systems applied are unscientific, outdated and in efficient. The highest rank in the hierarchy of integrated solid waste management is. The recovery of fibers from paper has cellulose as major constituent. Pdf disposal of solid wastes is a stinging and widespread problem in both urban and rural areas in many developed and developing.

The waste is normally disposed in open dumpscreating nuisance and environmental. Incineration is carried out both on a small scale by individuals and on a large scale by industry. Open dumpsite approach as solid waste disposal method is a primitive stage of solid waste management in many parts of the world. Think of dvd and music players, tv, telephones, computers, vacuum cleaners and all the other electrical stuff in your home. All these threaten the sustainability of the environment. More over house to house collecting solid waste should be. In order to manage waste, the environmental protection agency epa and the solid waste act favor an. Or solidwaste management is the process of the collecting, treating, and disposing of solid material that is discarded because it is of no longer use. Incineration is a controversial method of waste disposal. The process of transportation, storage, collection and processing of solid waste in a protective and economic manner is termed as solid waste management.

Throughout the region, the principal sources of solid waste are residential households and the. Integrated solid waste management refers to the strategic approach to sustainable management of solid wastes covering all sources and all aspects, covering generation, segregation, transfer, sorting, treatment, recovery and disposal in an integrated manner, with an emphasis on maximizing resource use efficiency. Read this article to learn about types, sources, effects and methods of solid waste management. Semisolid food wastes and municipal sludge may also be included in municipal solid waste. This is waste from electronic and electrical devices. Msw management solutions must be financially sustainable, technically feasible, socially, legally acceptable and environmentally friendly. Pdf solid wastes may be defined as useless, unused, unwanted, or discarded material available in solid form. In new mexico, the legislature passed the solid waste act of 1990, which set a goal of diverting 25% of new mexicos municipal solid waste from landfills by 1995 and 50% by july 1, 2000. The term solid waste management mainly refers to the complete process of collecting, treating and disposing of the solid wastes.

The sources of solid waste include residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial activities. The las undertake the task of swm with their own staff, equipment and funds. Classification of solid waste, sources, composition. Continue to divert toxic substances from the solid waste stream. Solid waste generation in districts of karachi 19912010 source. Strategy for environmental, solid waste management, public health and related areas discuss. Improving the environmental performance of solid waste management facilities. Solid waste management types with methods and its effects.

The infected water supply also leads to large scale epidemics. In detail, concepts of waste management and major phases. Littering of solid waste should prohibited in cities towns and urban areas. If solid wastes are to be used as fuel, or are used for any other purpose, we must know their chemical characteristics, including the following. The products of decomposition and heating values are two examples of chemical characteristics. Solid waste management is a polite term for garbage management. Garbage from these places include food wastes, plastics, paper, glass. It is recognized as a practical method of disposing of certain hazardous waste materials. Here you can download the free lecture notes of solid waste management pdf notes swm pdf notes materials with multiple file links to download.

Solid waste management sources, effects and methods of disposal solid waste management rapid population growth and urbanization in developing countries has led to people generating enormous quantities of solid waste and consequent environmental degradation. Today, the urban areas of asia produce about 760,000 tonnes of. Residences and homes where people live are some of the major sources of solid waste. The water, air and physical environment have been affected due to bad management of solid waste. Solid waste management sustainable sanitation and water.

Improper disposal of municipal solid waste can create unsanitary conditions, which can lead to environmental pollution and the outbreak of vectorborne disease. Modern solidwaste management plants in most developed countries now emphasize the practice of recycling and waste reduction at the source rather than incineration and land disposal. Solid waste management pdf notes swm pdf notes smartzworld. Solid waste management is the one thing just about every city government provides for its residents. Sources, composition, disposal, recycling, and valorization. Waste management is devoted to the presentation and discussion of information on solid waste generation, characterization, minimization, collection, separation, treatment and disposal, as well as manuscripts that address waste management policy, education, and economic and environmental assessments. The composition of liquid waste, also known as wastewater, is highly varied and depends principally on its source. The improvement of people and private sector through ngos could improve the efficiency of solid waste management. Waste management in romania, the policy on waste management wm must subscribe to european policy objectives relating to waste prevention and aims to reduce resource consumption and practical application of the waste hierarchy.

The subject of solid wastes came to the national limelight after the passage of the solid waste disposal act of 1965. The journal addresses various types of solid wastes including municipal e. Essay on solid waste causes, effects and solid waste. Appropriate solid waste management strategies may vary for institutional, communal and domestic sources, depending on types and volumes of waste. Waste management in the context of sustainable development. Solid waste management in asia as urbanization and economic development increases in asia, nowhere is the impact more obvious than in societys detritus, or solid waste. Public awareness should be created especially at primary level.

Solid waste management is an important aspect of urban area management. Bioconversion of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste into a number of products including sugar, ethanol, and protein compost, has been reported in the literature by 4, 10. Municipal solid waste msw collection and disposal is one of the major problems of urban environment in most countries worldwide today. The study therefore concludes that solid waste management around market environments in awka urban is still in an embryonic phase of development and therefore recommends that more dumpsters should. While service levels, environmental impacts and costs vary dramatically, solid waste management is arguably the most important municipal service and serves as a prerequisite for other municipal action. Reduce solid waste disposal by 30 percent by 2020, from 6,550,000 tons of disposal in 2008 to 4,550,000 tons of disposal by 2020. Always keep in mind to be keen and careful in handling hazardous waste and to embrace recycling as you continue your journey. These are solid wastes from home, offices, stores, schools, hospitals. Hence, solid waste management reduces or controls the solid waste pollution and its hazardous effects. Chapter 7 solid waste management european commission. In towns and cities, the three main sources are residential, commercial and industrial areas.

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