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Ai piedi gli stivali delle sette leghe, in mano le pantofole freno. Historia cudowna piotra schlemihla peter schlemihls. Free kindle book and epub digitized and proofread by project gutenberg. If the file has been modified from its original state, some details such as the timestamp may not fully reflect those of the original file. We must, dear edward, protect the history of poor schlemihland so protect it. Peter schlemihl is the title character of an 1814 novella, peter schlemihls wundersame geschichte peter schlemihls miraculous. Peter schlemihls wundersame geschichte open library. This file contains additional information such as exif metadata which may have been added by the digital camera, scanner, or software program used to create or digitize it. And there were geschicnte and poems and even an opera about schlemihl. Peter schlemihls wundersame geschichte internet archive.

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